Soggy Horror 2.2 is out with extended Halloween 2024 preview

Halloween is just around the corner! Here is 2.2 with an extended preview of our biggest build yet.

Fully Hostiles NPC have finally returned with new AI. This build has 4 baddies that have there own unique way of putting you in time-out. In addition to this there is a bunch of new interactive items, a new cutscene system, objectives and frankly way too many changes to list at this time.


Soggy Horror 2.2.7z 934 MB
Oct 30, 2024

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can i download this update if i already bought the game one time ?  Or is it a separate one ?

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You can download any version with you purchase. This goes for any future versions. 

Do note the web app sometimes gets confused with ownership and you need to refresh it sometimes. 

Check under demo for the free 2.2 spoopfest build.

Seems fun, bummer about not being able to see all the content though. Just can't manage to survive, probably give it a try again when saves work, so I don't have to redo everything every single time I die, over and over :P


the game is fun but i would love to be able to just roam the place without constantly fearing the cultists just to check out everything. since i keep being defeated

I am thinking about allowing players to free roam that area if they complete it with the 4 keys and the one or two side objectives cleared. Thorn is getting her deserved nerfs

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Great job with the update! I've noted a few bugs and issues while playing a bit. I also haven't been able to find the keys, so I will only be covering what I have noticed in the first area without them.

EDIT: I found the keys. Got confused bc the door to the room looks like and is roughly around the same area of the one that closes and locks on you. Was on me bc in the previous version both were locked and I assumed they were the same door from that. Now that I can explore more I will add new ones I find. New entries will be indicated with two dashes like "--" instead of just one.


- Items you can store in your inventory don't extend with the drawer they're in. Causing them to be fully hidden, hard to spot, and sometimes hard to take. If this is an issue that proves difficult to fix, you could have it be a 'hold to search' that works similar to lighting the candles in the environment. Then afterwards, have the drawers extend out showing it's already been searched.

-Save system is now broken. Leaves you on a black screen. Haven't tested past waiting 2-3 minutes. AI can still patrol and get you during the black screen too.

- Thorn sometimes ignores your line of sight. I can't tell if it's a mechanic for when she is messy, or a bug.

- The stinger that plays when Thorn spots you / is nearby doesn't always play. Can't tell if a bug however, so listed last.

-- Enemies in the Lab area can get stuck on each other on the stairs.


-Candle view model vanishes in certain areas and angles. Light source is unaffected my this.

-The notes at the beginning have many duplicate texts. I have a feeling it's just placeholder, but noting just incase it was an oversight.

Personal complaints/suggestions:

-Thorn can sometimes sneak up on you without warning due to her speed. Having occasional voice lines to give you an idea where she is based off sound would help this.

-Entering lockers puts out your candle and makes you have to recombine it with the lighter each time. An idea would be to just have it permanently lit and fit in the hot-bar after the first combine. Not a major issue though.

-- You currently cannot drop items. The box works but running out of space means you have to run back to one. Mostly an inconvenience. 

My ideas (not in any way a demand or requirement):

- A new enemy or the current enemies could have a chance to 'pounce' you. Keeping you in place and continuously slowly damaging you until you press a series of buttons or mash a button fast enough. Afterwards they run off. Makes for a good spook, more diversity in gameplay, and less frequent chasing.

- A mechanic where you have to change after some time or from jumpscares using the current diaper props already in the world. Not doing so could make you slower, or make a specific enemy or current enemies find you easier. 

-Last one I swear haha. A slow enemy that stays still when you look at them. Looking at them could slowly damage you, or make you slowly walk towards them while you look at them (instant loss on contact for the last one).

hey, actually been patching up those major issues since they were all due to recent changes were i missed a step. Objects in drawers now have the requirement they needed in order to extend out correctly. However some might still needs the fix.

Save system broke because it didn't know what areas were or were not loaded.

Thorn is suppose to act erratic on purpose when she needs a change but the ai can still be wonky since ai systems are always a constant struggle.

Stingers when spotted can have a cool down. Thorn has one since we want her to be able to surprise the player.

The Candle is a very recent addition and it's clipping box likely needs to extend since it's model is probably getting culled. 

I need to add a pick up version of every item you can pick up for drop to be implemented. There is a storage bin at the end of the Thorn area where you get the camcorder and discard has been added as a work around for the time being.

I did play around with enemies locking you in place or taunting you while another stalks you but it easily got into overly frustrating territory so it's something best revisited at this time but it's a solid idea if done well

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question its there a way to just explore the build without the worry of getting captured like a ghost mode or a way to try the new features?

the updates great! tho for some reason I throught since there's an option to change the hostile NPC's they'd get harmless for a while


Nope, they are on strict orders to try to baby brain you if you aren't on hallowed ground, but they appreciate the gesture nevertheless. Right now refusing to do it just effects Thorn and it's completely free to do without using up any inventory.

hidden key in room where?! I read even the diaper packages hoping for a clue

Is it possible to find keys to ALL the locked doors, or has that not been implemented yet?

I locked about half the rooms off in the 2024 halloween preview map I included in 2.2. I will have a new build up tonight that unlocks the rest and we will do some testing and do a our usual polish and hotfix build a bit after.